Thoughts From an Uncomfortable College Mattress

A journey through our college experiences and endeavors

Archive for the month “January, 2012”

Collegiate Couture

One of my favorite blogs to follow is the Sartorialist [].

It’s a fashion blog: street fashion, runway fashion, mostly expensive things but also random stuff edgy folks are wearing out on the street. Lovely, inspirational, and artsy (I’d put in a picture, but I’m afraid of copyright infringement…).

Yet, I am more likely to be seen wearing something like this:

I’m the one in the hat and the grandma top.

And this is even when I’m wearing something other than those darn acting blacks.

My friends will tell you that I hate wearing real pants (I go for those leggings that  everybody hates or yoga pants or something non-jeans).

More often than not, I slap on a sweater or some boots with the acting blacks, or a sweatshirt; essentially, looking cute takes too much time. Still, I check out the Sartorialist blog multiple times a day. When I have time, I try to put together an inspired ensemble. “Try” being the operative word here.

This is not a-typical of my college experience on a more macro scale. It seems that we keep learning and learning and yet aren’t able to fully apply the overwhelming amount of knowledge we’re obtaining until some random day when we can finally step away from all the craziness and- voila – we can suddenly make it all happen, almost effortlessly.

Of course, the odds of this happening with clothing are slim as my fashion sense is questionable, but I like to think that one of these days I, too, can be a haute-couture wearing fashionista.

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