Thoughts From an Uncomfortable College Mattress

A journey through our college experiences and endeavors

Stretching on a Sunday

This morning was for yoga.

The Park workout room is pretty awesome. It’s actually 3 rooms big, and includes an open area great for things like yoga. It also has a TV and a DVD player, which, we thought, would be great if we wanted to do an exercise DVD.

Our friend, Taylor, had a P90X yoga DVD, and we thought to ourselves, “this will be a good idea.” 

So we set up our yoga mats and popped the DVD into the player. Only apparently Park likes to fake part of its awesomeness. The input on the TV wasn’t working, so we couldn’t watch our DVD.

I’m starting to wonder how much else of this beautiful, hotel-like dorm is a mere Styrofoam facade. 

We didn’t know what to do, until we realized that our computers play DVDs. 

In the end the three of us were doing yoga, in the dark (for relaxation) in front of a tiny computer screen in a public workout area.

It was quite an intense yoga workout, listening to the P90X man say things like “stand on your tippy toes,” and “thar she blows!” through his heavy breathing. He was pretty ripped, however, so we figured maybe he knew what he was doing.

We ended with the creepy P9oX man leading us in a series of “ohmmmmm”s, which we did in three-part harmony.

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2 thoughts on “Stretching on a Sunday

  1. this makes me smile 🙂
    also, I love the new look!

  2. SheriLane Vreugdenhil on said:

    My dearest Talley –
    Anyone who calls out “thare she blows” during any yoga workout is simply frightening. Truly. And yes, the P90X guy just might be the creepiest workout guru on the market…
    I love you!

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