Thoughts From an Uncomfortable College Mattress

A journey through our college experiences and endeavors

The Insomniac City

The bare sign read “Rockefeller Place”.

She stared in wide-eyed wonder.

The insomniac city is clever,

crushing people together,

a maniacal pastry blender

whose blades you cannot escape.


The percussion of the pounding streets

echoed in the alleyways

with twists, turns and reverberations.

It seemed as if a noise maze

had sprung up to up heave this city

from the foundation it had,

to the destruction it will become.


She was new to this place,

(but already she figured it out.)

Her tired shoes knew the routes

although they were wrinkled, bruised and sad.

Her tongue pressed against her teeth

determined not to admit defeat,

for in time she has learned that

the insomniac city is clever,

crushing people together,

a maniacal pastry blender,

whose blades you cannot escape.

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